Thursday, April 21, 2011

the great thirst

the great thirst
awake me from my slumber
call something deeper out of me
offer me more than what i have seen

i thirst
i thirst
i thirst for what you thirsted for
i thirst for that drink you wanted
as you hung on that cross

awake me with conviction
as you awoke pilate’s wife
with a dream of the knowledge of your righteousness
let me slumber no more

as the earth quaked at your death
let me feel the tremblings of the earth
begging me to realise that you are the son
like those men responded with a shout
saying surely he was the Son of God

awake me as the marys awoke that third day
searching for your body, loving you in death
they found you alive, they found their Lord
more glorious than they remembered

stop me with flashes of light
as you stopped saul on his way to damascus
so that i no longer discuss what is finished
that i might run for the joy set before me

yet i thirst still
i thirst for one sip
of the water you gave the samaritan woman
the water that caused you fame in all of samaria
give me drink i pray
give me drink for i thirst for you

© siki dlanga

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