Sunday, April 22, 2012


1Samuel 25:25-27 NET
"My lord should not pay attention to this wicked man Nabal. He simply lives up to his name! His name means 'fool,' and he is indeed foolish! But I, your servant, did not see the servants my lord sent. "Now, my lord, as surely as the LORD lives and as surely as you live, it is the LORD who has kept you from shedding blood and taking matters into your own hands. Now may your enemies and those who seek to harm my lord be like Nabal. Now let this present that your servant has brought to my lord be given to the servants who follow my lord."


I have heard it preached many times sadly by women, that a woman must submit to her husband at all times even when he is wrong as long as she has alerted her husband, whatever he choses to do or not to do is on his head and it is no longer on the woman's head. Not so with Abigail. Abigail heard of the folly of her husband, she knew that his folly had placed them under great danger, even death. She was not about to submit to a foolish death sentence. She would act quickly and without his knowledge because he would prevent her from doing what is right. I believe that she was inspired or motivated by God to act as she did. She did so even though she knew her husband's foolishness, she was not afraid of his reaction afterwards.
Abigail's response to David was almost poetic in her choice of her words to appease his rage. She spoke to his identity and prophetically declared his destiny. David must have been so impressed by her that he thought "I wish that fool dies so that I can marry that beautiful, wise woman who understands me so well and is so convinced about my destiny in these trying days."

Nabal died. David married Abigail in 10 days she did not even get a chance to mourn. She felt honoured by David for marrying her. She could have died had she submitted to a foolish decision by her late husband but instead he died alone with his foolishness. Abigail chose to submit to God instead. She moved from being a rich fool's wife to being a handsome, wise king's wife.

I do not think women are always right or should have their way all the time in marriage. I believe that submission is key to any successful marriage. I however have wondered how many Christian wives are sensitive enough to believe God and submit to Him in matters that could overturn death and bring salvation but because of a twisted idea of submission have dismissed the strong conviction that could have led to life. I even wonder if this weird idea of submission is passivity, an abdication of one's will since the husband becomes the one who shapes all things. (I am simplifying the situation I know) I am not concerned about day to day matters I am concerned about matters that shape destiny. I am concerned about the woman taking up her place in the kingdom and having a defined impact and voice of her own within the union of marriage otherwise it is not a union if only one man runs the show. Then, it is a one man show and the other is a mere audience.

I have been inspired by the few women who are married who are unafraid of having a voice that shapes destiny but equally I have felt a growing desire to see married women finding their voice and using it. What would happen if women saw what God has placed within them without shutting it down. I want to see and hear her growl like a lionesses growling for her cubs. Yes she has a voice it is distinct and it does not need to be taught because no one can be her.

Sarah submitted to Abraham and called him lord but she also had a voice that directed Isaac's destiny therefore a nation's future. She dictated Ishmael's boundary, it would be there and not here. Rachel did the same though a little more cunning. Mary said "yes" to having a baby without consulting her future husband first. She made an intense decision that would alter all of humanity without consulting any man to give her permission to follow God and do something wildly radical as give birth to The Christ. In fact, she later submitted the matter to another woman (Elizabeth) under the angels guidance.

In this hour I am finding that the ministry given by women is the most powerful and anointed than any other kind than before. I feel as though it is an anointing that has been poured out for the time but also because of a promise, that your sons and daughters shall prophecy. Yet I cannot stop feeling as though many more women, particularly the married ones are supposed to be doing this but most are too busy hiding behind their husbands.

I respect every man that has ever preached and still preaching may they continue but where are the daughters who are keeping the word that is given for you to share? However, who can demonstrate what being The Bride looks and feels like but a woman? Who will model it so that it will be cooperatively echoed and lived out until we all say in one voice "Come Lord Jesus, Come".

Friday, April 20, 2012

He is confident - for Belinda

He likes the way you are
He likes the way He made you
He likes you
He likes what His hands
Have accomplished
He likes the way you are
He is unlike an artist
Who envisions one thing
And it turns out to be another
What He envisions
You are His wonderful vision
You have His seal
You are His perfect work of art
His work is flawless
His work of art is more than a vision
As an artist exhibits his artwork
He exhibits you
With confidence

© siki dlanga

for Belinda as per facebook request

Sunday, April 15, 2012


You make me wonder
What friendship with God is like?
Is it anything
We have ever called friendship?
Do we treat it cheaply?
Is it something we fall back on after a bad day?
Is it something whose existence we doubt at times?
Is it something whose closeness we can’t fathom or touch?
Is it meant to be much more?
is it meant to be more?
What was it like
When Jesus visited His friend Lazarus’ house?
How was it like for Him to have Mary and Martha as His friends?
What was so wonderful about Him?
That Martha could not help herself that she needed help
To prepare Him a meal?
Was she preparing a feast fit for a king?

What was so attractive?
What was so irresistible
About being with Him?
That though Mary wanted to help
She was instead stuck to His feet,
Awestruck by His being,
Drinking His every word,
Perfuming herself
With His presence.

Did Martha get so busy
Preparing a feast?
Desperately wanting to prepare
The best meal
For one so great!
So angry at Mary
For not seeing
Whom she was talking to?
This is no person to hang around
Don’t you see Mary!
This is the Lord of glory!
You can’t just treat Him as a friend.
Mary, get off His feet!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
You should be serving Him
Mary what’s wrong with you?
What made Martha so anxious
To serve Him
With such urgency?
So anxious to prepare Him a feast,
While Mary could not leave His feet,
Loving Him
Unable to rise
Receiving Him as treat.
What is friendship with God like?

What was it like?
When Jesus announced to His Disciples;
I no longer call you servants.
I call you friends. 
I call you Simon,
John, Peter,
Judas, Thomas,
I call you Amy,
Martha, Mary,
I call you

© siki dlanga

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I know that
I promised you verses
It had to be true verses
Not just written on any day
I had to wait for a day
Where a way
Had been made for my heart to be able to say
Without a single hint of ingratitude

You see gratitude
Is not an attitude
Found in the pit of hell
Is what set apart the one leper
From the other nine lepers Jesus healed
Is what multiplied the loaves and the fishes
Gratitude is what fed the five thousand and the four thousand

I could not just write you verses
I had to wait for a day
Where my heart was overflowing with gratitude
Gratitude is an attitude of heaven
My heart had to be sanctified
My thoughts had to be rectified
My language had to be a mirror of heaven

Do you know
That gratitude
Angelic attention
When they see it
When they hear it
They position themselves
To multiply loaves and fishes
This is why I had to wait for my heart to be true
It opens the gates of heaven
It opens the very gates of God’s heart
How then can impurity be found
In my heart
When I say

© siki dlanga

*Siyabulela is a Xhosa word that means "We are grateful". It is also used as a name.
Xhosa is a South African language spoken in the Eastern Cape, also Mandela's mother tongue and many other amazing heroes,

Monday, April 9, 2012

God's love letter to Nobulali

Ububele abubulali
Xa uhleli
Ebubeleni bokwenyaniso
Ungalala ungenavalo
Ungacimela ulibale apho ukhoyo
Ungalala nasesifubeni
Uxelise uYohane
Elele esifubeni sikaYesu
Apho Akhoyo akukho koyika

Your inheritance is not an issue
It is not something to pursue
It was settled in heaven
Long before you ever lived
The issue is this simple
Will you let God nourish you
Will you let Him keep you
God’s request is this basic
Will you let Him love you
The way He always wanted to
His issue with you is this simple
Will you receive His love without fear
Will you forget
Will you forgive
Will you receive His love for you completely
It is not an issue of right and wrong
It is an issue of love

You see
You were named from the lips of kindness
Since you were made to exist in kindness
Kindness is available to you
Without limit
Without measure
Like a mother with breasts full of milk
Willing for their young one to feed
So God is full of the milk of human-kindness
Towards you
His desire to nourish you is more intense
Than any intense emotion
You have ever experienced
His desire for you is strong
It shuts down every noise in the universe
It cuts between every accusation
Everything else becomes nothing
Since only one thing matters to Him
His love for you

Ububele baKhe abubulali
Lala esifubeni sakhe ulibale
Uxele uYohane
Yiva uthando lwakhe
Luphele novalo

© siki dlanga
April 2012
sis Lali... I think this is God's love letter to you. This is what came out. Love you!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Celebrating the Celes

Love covers
Your marriage
Like a blanket

Your love is alive
It stands out
Among the rest
Like the moon
In the night

In your hands
Is the sword of justice
You wield the truth
With great skill
For the sake of the poor

In laughter
Is your power

In reverence
In honour
Is your wisdom

© siki Dlanga
For Gaynore and Msizi
As per Gaynore's facebook request

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Zella's Dance

Of Zella
What shall say?
Where shall I find the words?
Does she know
That she is the reason
I have remained silent
How do you dance?
Why is it that your body
Can do what it does?
What music do you dance to?
What is the name of your stage?
And what is its measurement?
Does God make us believe
That you dance on our stage
While you dance
In His immeasurable stage

Your spirit is so expansive
Your body is inside your spirit
With your movements
We are transported to another realm
With your every turn
We are ushered through
When we return we are not the same
Tell me what song do you hear?
Yours is the rhythm of the throne room
Yours is the dance
Of wild fearsome angels
You dance between them
You move with their rhythm
As though they were mere pillars
Those fiery beings lift you up
They spin you around
When they lower you to earth
You burn
Sometimes your body cannot contain it
Yet you return for more
For with every fiery dance
Every heavenly visit
Your capacity expands
What do they call your dance in heaven?

© siki dlanga
as per facebook request

You are a dance I can't describe and a poem I can't write. You are spectacular and I am deeply moved by who you are. I am blessed blessed blessed by you Zella. There are things I can't even describe...what sort of being are you? Things that have pulled me to something higher and saved me. really. As you can see the poem is full of questions because you a wonder and I am mesmerized.

Of Zella - part 1

Of Zella
What can I say?
When you walk
When you talk
When you sit
When you are silent
When you love
When you just are
You are like the sight
Angel wings
As they land

© siki Dlanga

Diversity - for Will Nel

Speaking of diversity
Without speaking of unity
Is like
Expecting good fruit
Disregarding the tree
It’s like
Admiring beauty
Adoring God
Unity is like good soil
Diversity is every plant growing on it
Is like a husband and wife
With their hearts beating as one
Is their children
Unity is a rainbow
Diversity is every colour
That makes it a rainbow

© siki dlanga
as per Wil Nel's request on Facebook

Explosions of Joy - for Zandi

With joy
Heavenly voices
Raining down laughter
Your song
Your voice
Joy releasing
Song unleashing
Like a weapon
In the Lord’s mouth
Cutting away
What must be cut away
Planting what must be planted
Do not retreat
Do not retreat
Heaven backs you
When you do
What you were made
To do

(c) siki dlanga
as per Zandi's facebook request

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ancient Hands

Ancient Hands
That moulded man from clay
Ancient Hands
That drew woman out of man
Ancient Hands
That made her beautiful
Ancient Hands
That blessed Abraham, Isaac and Essau
Ancient Hands
That lifted Moses’ staff
Splitting the red sea
So that Israel would be saved
Ancient Hands
That strengthened Joshua
Ancient Hands
That brought down the walls of Jericho
Ancient Hands
That saved Rahab and redeemed Ruth
Ancient Hands
Whose great love even blessed the world through Christ
Ancient Hands
That will not let your foot slip
Ancient Hands
That hold you in its palms
Ancient Hands
That hold the breath of all humanity
Ancient Hands
That feed all living beings
Ancient Hands
That beautify flowers
Ancient Hands
That count the stars
Ancient Hands
That count your hair
Ancient Hands
Whose love is visibly spread out in the night sky
Those ancient Hands are over your heart
Giving it life
I see your heart shooting
Like shooting stars
A thousand times
As it comes to glorious life
I see those ancient Hands
Over your heart
Setting it free
Yet not letting go
Giving it light
Ancient Hands
Hold you with love
Yes those Ancient Hands
That healed the sick
Made the blind eyes see
Those ancient Hands
Hold you
Ancient Hands
That make all things new
Renew you

© siki dlanga
For Margot my friend.

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