You make me wonder
What friendship with God is like?
Is it anything
We have ever called friendship?
Do we treat it cheaply?
Is it something we fall back on after a bad day?
Is it something whose existence we doubt at times?
Is it something whose closeness we can’t fathom or touch?
Is it meant to be much more?
is it meant to be more?
What was it like
When Jesus visited His friend Lazarus’ house?
How was it like for Him to have Mary and Martha as His friends?
What was so wonderful about Him?
That Martha could not help herself that she needed help
To prepare Him a meal?
Was she preparing a feast fit for a king?
What was so attractive?
What was so irresistible
About being with Him?
That though Mary wanted to help
She was instead stuck to His feet,
Awestruck by His being,
Drinking His every word,
Perfuming herself
With His presence.
Did Martha get so busy
Preparing a feast?
Desperately wanting to prepare
The best meal
For one so great!
So angry at Mary
For not seeing
Whom she was talking to?
This is no person to hang around
Don’t you see Mary!
This is the Lord of glory!
You can’t just treat Him as a friend.
Mary, get off His feet!
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
You should be serving Him
Mary what’s wrong with you?
What made Martha so anxious
To serve Him
With such urgency?
So anxious to prepare Him a feast,
While Mary could not leave His feet,
Loving Him
Unable to rise
Receiving Him as treat.
What is friendship with God like?
What was it like?
When Jesus announced to His Disciples;
I no longer call you servants.
I call you friends.
I call you Simon,
John, Peter,
Judas, Thomas,
I call you Amy,
Martha, Mary,
I call you
© siki dlanga
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