Monday, June 30, 2014

Everything will be alright in the End

"Everything will be alright in the end. If it is not yet alright then it is not yet the end."

 - The Exotic Marigold Hotel

Friday, June 27, 2014

Thundafund Anniversary

It has been a poetry month.
I have performed my poetry ontop of Lion's Head before various young adults ranging from Sweden to Brazil, USA to Thailand, Middle-East to Norway, Nigeria, Congo, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mali etc. The liberty I felt on top of that mountain was freedom I could not describe. I enjoyed it for a few seconds and then made my declaration to a new generation of Mandelas.

I read poetry from my book "Word of Worth" in Robben Island's famous prison cell where freedom fighters of South Africa were held. There I momentously saw fit to read my poem 'Prisoner of Hope'. I cannot think of a more epic month of poetry mostly because I performed in.  So this time last year I was launching Launching my poetry Thundafund project!! Exactly on 27 June 2013 it came live! The day before it came live however I was so excited as we drove through a RAINBOW!!! Tomorrow on that same date a year later I will be helping a friend as she launches her book. I will open her launch with poetry. That is is amazing.
A rainbow month. Visit it: Successful Thundafund Poetry Video

Monday, June 23, 2014

Therefore I am.

I am loved fully and completely, therefore I am. 

I love because of I AM therefore i am. 

I am a product of love, from love and my end is for love. This is the story of humanity in the hands of a holy God. 

All other loves must acknowledge this perfect pure passionate Love if they are true. There are many imitations of love masquerading as the true thing. If it does not look like the way God says love looks like, it is not love, it is a perversion and therefore opposes God Himself. 

How many times have we heard humanity justify perversity by calling it love? Love looks like God. Everything else will fade away with human pride.

"9We love because he loved us first." - 1 John 4:9

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